Nature Monitoring
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- Published on Tuesday, 15 November 2011 15:20
Environment monitoring of the Slovinski Park, conducted by Park's own strengths, comprises the animated nature - natural settlements, plants and animals species, and also inanimate nature - monitoring of surface waters. Conducted observations constitute the source of information on the alterations occurring in the Park's ecosystems. First of all, they donate the responses whether the effected protection operations of Park Services (e.g. grazing and mowing of meadows, lakes fish-stocking, sustaining specified water proportions, wood stand restructuring) lead to reaching the defined protection objectives. The results of many-year observations of occurring processes and natural phenomena are the initial basis for planning the protection activities in the most endangered Park ecosystems.
Currently, the employees of the Slovinski National Park perform, among others, the following scope of research:
a) counting birds wintering in water ecosystems of the SNP: Gardno, Dołgie and Dołgie Małe - birds monitoring wintering on the inland waters of the SNP according to standard methodology (one-time counting in the month of January);
b) counting of wintering birds - monitoring of wintering birds in the Baltic seaside zone on the stretch of Rowy-Łeba according to Meissner methodology (one-time counting in the month of January);
c) counting birds breeding populations of the Gardno Lake - monitoring the species of breeding birds of the Gardno Lake and the Polder Gardna IX;
d) monitoring the effects of powan fish stocking - monitoring conducted within the framework of powan restitution programme in the Łebsko Lake (fish fry marking, marks reading at individuals caught with the use of pond tools and the light, 3-4 times per year);
e) hydrological monitoring conducted by the Slovinski National Park comprising the research based on the network of 25 piezometers and 5 water-indicating measuring staffs in protection districts of Rowy, Kluki and Żarnowska;
f) monitoring plants accumulations based upon the system of permanent research surfaces;
g) monitoring phenological phenomena based on uniformal observation cards of 36 common species on the terrain of the SNP;
h) monitoring rare, endangered and precious specious of flora, based on the observation cards of 23 species, which populations undergo successive or anthropogenic alterations;